Inclusive recovery, inclusive growth, diversity and inclusion are some of the key light motives cities, organisations and businesses across the globe aspire to in recovering from the Covidー19 crisis as well as addressing equity challenges that existed well before the pandemic. But what does it mean to be inclusive? For whom and where? How to achieve inclusion while addressing seemingly insurmountable challenges of transforming urban futures? Let’s be honest the term inclusion is conceptually complex but methodologically and politically underdeveloped. Therefore, exploring the meaning of inclusion and openly discussing the methods to achieve it is the most urgent debate and challenge of our age. Inclusive Urban Futures podcast and video series that provides a creative space for this debate. It brings together renewed leaders, experts, and practitioners in a mission to ignite creative discussions and explore emerging questions on what inclusion means and what inclusive future of cities can be across geographies and disciplines. In the first series, you will hear from leaders in India, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Philippines, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Singapore. We explore inclusion from many angles including building and city design, planning, cohesion and territorial development, wildlife and biodiversity, building energy, social affairs as well as the all-important world of work. The Inclusive Urban Futures podcast and video series will feature two leaders, two conversations per month and will drop every second Tuesday. If you wish to get in touch or suggest a speaker drop us a line at: info@ornarosenfeld.comInclusive Urban Futures is an independent initiative sponsored and produced by Dr Orna Rosenfeld & Team. Follow us at: www.ornarosenfeld.com
Podcasting since 2022 • 14 episodes
Latest Episodes
INCLUSIVE URBAN FUTURES - Interview with Prof. Amira Osman
In this episode of Inclusive Urban Futures, we had the honour to interview Professor Amira Osman, a Sudanese/South African Professor of Architecture at the Tshwane University of Technology and the 70th President of The South Af...
Season 2
Episode 5

INCLUSIVE URBAN FUTURES - Interview with Olga Deutsch
Understanding the dimensions, ramifications and dynamics of systematic exclusion and discrimination is fundamental to raising awareness about it, educating about it, changing culture, and most importantly, addressing it. As painful as exclusion...
Season 2
Episode 4

INCLUSIVE URBAN FUTURES - Interview with Dr Haris Piplas
Our collective ideas and aspirations touch the ground and are cast in stone through urban design, planning and real estate development. The question of whether we are building inclusive urban futures or not is answered then and there and decide...
Season 2
Episode 3

INCLUSIVE URBAN FUTURES - Interview with Sena Segbedzi
Ideas and policies are as good as their implementation. There may not be a policy sphere where this is truer than in the cities' pursuits of inclusive urban futures. The poly-crisis the world has been exposed to since 2020 has exace...
Season 2
Episode 2

INCLUSIVE URBAN FUTURES - Interview with Prof. Tommaso Vitale
The world of scientific research and education is crucial to exploring ways of inclusion and implementing it. Scientific research deepens understanding, education broadens views, but most importantly, academic institutions can act as an essenti...
Season 2
Episode 1